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Old 04-10-2012, 08:56   #1
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How covered are you with your insurance coverage?

I read threads on here from time to time where a poster will claim that if you do (or do not) certain things on your boat your insurance will not pay out in a claim. Some of these off the top of my head include:

Not using an anchor light
Not using a USCG approved anchor light
Not taking keys out of engine when not on boat
Not properly winterizing your boat
Drinking while at anchor (under legal limit) and something happens
Running aground with minor at the helm
Clogged scuppers resulting in sinking
Not shutting seacocks when not on boat
Not using "proper"/adequate ground tackle - dragging anchor
Damage caused by owner such as running into a dock or another boat when going to fast, etc.
Any damage or injury as a result of poor seamanship

Of course it depends whether one has a comprehensive insurance policy or one for liability only and the specific terms of your policy.

I think it would be interesting to hear what everyone's experiences are with their own boat insurance and how they feel they are covered.

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Old 04-10-2012, 09:03   #2
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Re: How covered are you with your insurance coverage?

I'm no expert, but I have to believe that most of these reasons are paranoia. Commercial fishing vessels do lots of things I think won't be covered, but the under policy there is a stupid clause.
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Old 04-10-2012, 11:54   #3
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Re: How covered are you with your insurance coverage?

In our case these are all covered by 'by not applying to local/international laws you have rendered this insurance policy invalid' and 'by not doing what good practice dictates to do you have rendered this policy invalid'.

Insurance business is all crap but if I could afford it (an insurance), I might actually consider buying one.

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Old 04-10-2012, 16:38   #4
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Re: How covered are you with your insurance coverage?

We have never tested our insurance company with any of those situations on our list, but nowhere in our contract is any language that would decline coverage for them.

Of the clauses barnakiel mentions, only that about conforming to laws applies in our contract. So maybe the anchor light if we were in countries that required it by law.


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Old 04-10-2012, 17:51   #5
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Re: How covered are you with your insurance coverage?

I hope that Al Golden, head of IMIS Corp an eastern shore yacht insurance broker, weighs in here. He really knows this topic.

Almost all boating accidents can be layed to violation of laws, lack of "good seamanship", negligence in maintaining the boat, installations that don't meet ABYC, etc. But in general with the exception of fixing insurance survey issues specified by the insurance company, all of the above mentioned faults are covered.

S*** happens and insurance companies cover s*** every single day.

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Old 04-10-2012, 18:03   #6
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Re: How covered are you with your insurance coverage?


I do a good number of insurance policy reviews and honestly it just depends on the policy. A number of the things you outlined I have never seen excluded, and there are a number of things I have seen result in denied coverage that aren't listed. But the only way to really know is to look at a specific policy, and refer any questions to your agent.

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Old 04-10-2012, 20:21   #7
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Re: How covered are you with your insurance coverage?

well i can tell you for a fact that not having a PROPER vent on the head intake and not closing the seacock causing a ruined cabin sole is not covered !!!!!!!!and several of the things listed I think would be denied
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