In the context of the program I saw, the CG vessel was correct in stopping this boat from potentially running into people in the water.
If the actual facts prove different then its a different set of circumstances, and of course my opinion would be different. Other than that, if one didnt see the program, how can he disagree with what I saw and heard?
There are too many instances to name in which a CG vessel intentionally rams another vessel. This is no different than civilian police ramming a car that wont stop.
Coast Guard Runs Down Woman Protesting Whale Slaughter
a woman roaring around Neah Bay on a Jet Ski had been rammed by a Coast Guard boat protecting Makah whale hunters.>>>
The 24-year-old animal-rights activist had to be airlifted to Olympic
Medical Center in Port Angeles yesterday after she was injured by the Coast Guard boat, which was trying to push her out of a federally
mandated 500-yard exclusion zone around the whaling canoe.>>>
<<<"They ran over me. I wasn't expecting to get run over by a boat. I expected to try and protect a whale that's trying to migrate to its summer resting spot."
Abbott reported suffering a broken shoulder and some fractured ribs, and said she was being kept overnight in the hospital because of fears that her lungs might collapse.
The Coast Guard arrested Abbott, who could be charged in federal court for violating the exclusionary zone. She could face a fine and six years in jail. >>>