Actually being a European passport holder isn't quite enough, as I understand it.... By the way the
boat looks nice and I hope you have many good adventures together!
To return to the point. AIUI.... You can exercise your right under the EU rules to register under the UK full register Part II ( I believe) but not the SSR PART III. (Which requires some residencial or business/ tax paying connection). This is unfortuneate as it is very easy to obtain, valid for five years and costs about 60 pounds.
Part II which I believe is called the Full
registration, requires the Bill of
Sale, verification of change/deletion of
ownership by the existing registry. (I am assuming the US) and they will require a certificate from a lloyds approved
surveyor regarding weight and dimensions. With that, should you have a name not otherwise used, you will pay I believe around 150 pounds.
1000 pounds seem steep to me... I don't have any idea what
surveyor will cost in the
USA, but once you have it its only postge. The website I attached isn't very user friendly, but if you go to the very bottom of the page and click around there then I believe all your answers and costs will be revealed and you can make a better judgement call.
Finally if you hold an EU passport...what country....They all have their own registries and as such you may find not only much cheaper but quicker. There have been quite a few threads regarding boat registration posted recently which you should access. I changed the registry on my recent
purchase simple because I was not allowed to hold the registry (Austrian)without some Austrian connection. I don't believe that is the same in the
USA if you are resident there and will be mainly sailing within their waters/area...actually it would probably be better.
Anyway I hope the above hs been helpful