Originally Posted by stevead
Unfortunately it is difficult to argue with a customs official if they are threatening you with imprisonment, a fine or confiscation of your yacht, but it seems to be in direct contravention of EU regulations.
Again from EU Commission Regulation (EEC) No 2454/93.
Section 2 (in which Article 558 granting relief from import duties is declared), there is also Subsection 7 which covers spare parts & repairs.
Spare parts, accessories and equipment; other goods
Article 577
Total relief from import duties shall be granted where spare parts, accessories and equipment are used for repair and maintenance, including overhaul, adjustments and preservation of goods entered for the arrangements.
I read that to mean that if a vessel is admitted into the EU under Article 558, it may also bring into the EU spare parts, accessories and equipment free from import duties.
Unfortunately my diplomacy skills (or lack thereof) would prevent me from arguing the nuances of EU regulations to a Croatian customs official.
first forget argue with custom and border police. have right search any Boddy holl,dismount your car in pices with torch without any court order.
second everything is with new shengen rules and by law pass in EU. if you have wish you can search on 2000 tonn document youa are free to do.
more you have right to pay fine and later complain to court(dont need lawer becouse this is paper court (sometime i win sometime lose) but before be law i complain and
buying time. for example guy dont pay tax for luxury car
guy colect vat but spend this
money on up luxury car over 200000€ tax. finacial
service send solution he must return state 200000€ on account number. before closure i complain to court ta autorothi calculate wrong. after¸4 year i receive court decision a complain again couple time now we are 10 year and last recive court he must pay 5600€ tax and i say no more complain pay this peanuts.
now in Schengen law exchange,i must complain with reason and huge explanation by law. court s digital and fast. complain is hard if you guilty court eject case if is reason stupid like before. i like I complain because dont want pay governments, my astrologic say dont pay(i win also this one time)
temporory import tax dont pay.
who have right to
sail boat. owner close
family only,crew first time be in crew list(no extra friends this is ilegaly
charter if owner and owner close
family not on boat)
or you coming not vat paid foringer
boat ,local crew must be owner on boat(very shady possible charge vat and have rights to size boat)
owner have
contract with profesional crew with tax number of crew.Crew must be employed n this company or have own company with crew have
marine documents and this is valid marina to custom border office leave 12 nm in international
and now you must check all EU country on your
route when you leaving eu.
what reality say if custom control call from police,port control,coust guard. and owner is not on
boat EU citizen is on boat with this shady paper
contract not signed in for example consulat
Croatia new york(if owner is resident new york) boat go to marina on keeping with forbiden leaving marina and anybody steps on boat(also owner is now forbiden to steps on boat. crew must leave boat. owner must return to eact custom office and explain pay vat later he have right complain.nobody win. i know 2 guys one new sunseaker 20 meter long he use maybe 4 time later court
sold boat on
auction and second 25 milion yacht serbian businessmen but he forget he also croatian citizen .he losse on court but he pay 12 milion fee and marina expense