I am german citizen , and want to buy an 1/4 share of an britisch
39 feet sailboat, with is registered in SSR Part III.
The other co-owners are british citizen.
To be registered as a co-owner from another EU-state,
is my post adress in UK enough ,
or must I produce any documents of being established in UK ?
Thanks in advance
I have only following Information from website
www.mcga.gov.uk :
.... 3) Who may register a small ship?
A small ship may be registered if it is owned by one or more of the following persons who are 'ordinarily resident' in the UK:-
- British citizens
- Persons who are nationals of a European Union or European Economic Area country other than the United Kingdom and are established * in the UK
- British Dependant Territories citizens; British Overseas citizens; persons who under the British Nationality Act 1991 are British subjects; persons who under the Hong Kong (British Nationality) Order are British Nationals Overseas, and
- Commonwealth citizens not falling within those paragraphs.
Established It is not sufficient to live in the UK to be established in accordance with Articles 48 and 52 of the EU Treaty. To be established a person must make an economic contribution to the UK by being the proprietor of a business, being employed, or having very recently retired from such
employment. i.e. within the last 6 months. If you have any doubts about your establishment you should consult the Registry.
4) What does ordinarily resident mean?
For the purposes of registering a ship it means living and sleeping in the UK for a significant part of the year. A person may be considered to be ordinarily resident in the country in which they live for a period of, or periods, which collectively amount to 185 days or more in a twelve month period. If you are resident in the UK for tax purposes, you will generally be regarded as resident for the purpose of