First: The cruising permit is for the boat, not for the individuals thereon. The length-of-stay which is for individuals, is not a visa although is similar in
This thread's assertions wrt the immigration
only giving 90d are not true. There are reports at BL&S of longer stays granted, which have included up to 180d. That said, if you only get a 90d cruising permit, they damn sure aren't going to give you longer than 90d length of stay, now would they?
The length of stay granted depends: If you happen to check in at a place which only has a customs officer, the customs officers are only allowed to give 30d, whether initial or extension. An immigration officer has discretion to give as long as the officer wants, and you should be prepared to demonstrate financial independence, and rationale for your intended length of stay.
Nothing has been specified as to whether any length-of-stay extensions will only be for 30d, and that will depend on the immigration officer's discretion as well. The only change is really that for a stay extension, you will be charged $200.
see below direct communication from Immigration (bold and italics mine):
On Nov 16, 2024, at 06:51, IMMIGRATION PUBLIC RELATIONS <[]( .bs)> wrote:
Hello ,
Thank you for reaching out to us.
We are happy to provide clarification. Upon arrival at the designated port of entry, please present all necessary entry documents to the Immigration Officer as usual. Specifically, in your case, a temporary cruising permit is required. Ensure that the Immigration Officer has all your details so they can determine the duration of your stay. All visitors are granted a
minimum of thirty days upon arrival (no fewer than 30 days).
This does not mean you will only receive thirty days, however; the length of stay is at the discretion of the Immigration Officer.
The Visitors’ Extension of Stay
service is for those wishing to remain in The Bahamas beyond the period initially granted by the Immigration Officer. Visitors may apply for this extension in New Providence, Grand Bahama, and any
Family Island where there is an Immigration Office. If there is no Immigration Office on a particular island, the Bahamas Customs & Excise Department or the local
Family Island Administrator can assist with this
service. For further information, please refer to the following link: []