Originally Posted by SailingScout
We ended up sailing from Mayaguana to T&C. Did not get an exit stamp on our passport from the Bahamas. T&C didn't care, and then when I checked out of T&C (just a few days later, I basically sailed right through) I got everything I needed for entry into DR. I don't know if anything has changed since thing - people I talked to in Mayaguana were trying to get it to become a port again, but in hindsight, I should have officially cleared out of the Bahamas sooner.
Yes and yes. Don't try and shave the issue here. The DR (or any other country) as zeero incentive to help you along. Get all your clearance paperwork done BEFORE you leave.
boats that have been refused entry and sent back to get exit clearance they did not have. It has not happened to us because we are careful about these things.
We completely understand that some countries are more uptight about this than others. But unless you know for sure ahead of time, get all our paperwork right. It will make your life easier.