As part of removing my holding tank I have a length of hose connected to the discharge thru-hull. I now want to remove this very stinky hose and cap the thru-hull until I haul out and eventually close off the thru-hull completely.
I'm browsing the site and not seeing anything intended to be used as a cap neccessarily. I searched around and didn't find anything in the forums. now I'm thinking the best idea is to use a clean length of hose, cap it and then attach that hose to the closed thru-hull with 2 clamps on through hull and the plugged ends of course.
Boat: Liberty 28 Custom Cutter - "Native Dancer" For Sale
Posts: 209
Sounds like a plan to me. I personally don't care for holes in the hull, but since you've got one already sitting there (albeit decommissioned), you might just let it be for a while just in case the need arises someday for a new through-hull. At least you won't need to cut a new one. Of course, if the need hasn't arisen after a period of time, then glass it over permanently.
Thru-Hull fittings generally have un-tapered NPS (straight) male threads, whereas Seacocks (valves) generally have NPT (tapered) female threads.
The cap or plug you select will have to match the mating fitting.
I found a bronze cap and I was working towards getting it in but my seacock leaked enough that I decided to haul out. I'm hanging I'm the sling tonight. Everything is ready to go back together. My only question is do I need something on the threads (like plumbers tape for nautical fittings) or do I just thread it on tight and I'm good?
Thanks again !
I go back in the water in the morning.
I was very happy (and surprised) I was able to get the 20+ year old 90 degree bend off the seacock, but with a nice large pipe wrench and some elbow grease it came off pretty easily. Hardly any swearing at all! :-)