Forming acrylic is a common process and will
work very well when done correctly. As an extreme, and common, example, bubble canopies for aircraft are formed from acrylic by clamping it around the edges,
heating it, and then blowing in compressed air under the acrylic, which pushes it up into a bubble. That's why they're called "bubble canopies".
The important thing to do is to heat the acrylic very evenly and to NOT OVERHEAT IT.
Overheating will cause bubbles inside the acrylic.
Make a form with the radius you desire for the acrylic. It does not need much strength, but should have a good
surface finish. Place your acrylic (a bit oversize) on the form, and heat it in an
oven. A regular household oven is fine, if it is big enough. The acrylic will drape and conform to your form. Take it out, trim to final size, and install with your VHB.
I don't
recall the temperature to use, it will be available on the web.