I have a
boat with two
yanmar saildrives. I pulled off the
raw water heat exchanger manifold last year and found that small bits of plastic bags had been suck up the small inlets and then balloned out in the manifold, along with bits of old impellers and
barnacles. Most of the manifold intakes were covered and this was the problem of hoses blowing off because of back pressure, engines
overheating, and the
muffler burning through. I heard though that
Yanmar does not recommend
raw water strainers on diesels with sail drives. Was wondering if then I should substitute taking off the manifold once a year (I assume the manifold had never been cleaned before for a 7 year old boat) and
cleaning it or putting on raw
water filters. My
engine compartment is cramped as is.
diesel mechanics out there know if its true that SDs really don't need a raw
water strainer? Finally, the
mechanic really took off the manifold and checked it. Anything I should watch out for when I do this myself?