24-02-2007, 09:47
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Remote Oil Filter?
Has anyone moved an oil filter? Mine is rather a pain to get it on and off and I was wondering what the down side was to mounting it "off the engine", if there is any.
24-02-2007, 09:53
Building a Bateau TW28

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Other than running the lines (and how much of a job that is) and the little bit of used oil that stays in them I don't think there's any downsides. Ours is a royal pain to change as well. Gotta stand on my head to get to it!
Yours Aye! Rick
"It's not the boat "you built" until you've sworn at it, bled on it, sweated over it, cried beside it and then threatened to haul the POS outside and burn it!"
24-02-2007, 10:30
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This is a common practice. What engine do you have?
24-02-2007, 11:04
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Dave, We have found that sometimes these work and sometimes they don't. More often on the Yanmar about 7 out of 10 will leak at the adapter on the engine block and in some cases we could not find a make that would not. Perhaps a slight flaw in the tooling of the block. Doesn't seem to matter who manufactures it as to whether it works or not. Other engines, no problem. If all goes well it makes major improvements in the ease of changing filters and really has no negative affect on the engine outside of the fact that you do have a few more fittings that could leak.
24-02-2007, 12:01
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and, if you can get to the filter, you most likely will change it more often (at least when you are suppose to)
And, as an aside, look at the damage it has caused Rick .. having to stand on his head all the time!!! :::running and ducking:::
24-02-2007, 14:23
Building a Bateau TW28

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Originally Posted by S/V Elusive
And, as an aside, look at the damage it has caused Rick .. having to stand on his head all the time!!! :::running and ducking:::
Lets just say SWMBO enjoys it that way! Now, standing on my head torquing the head bolts wasn't exactly hmmmmm? Pleasurable!
Yours Aye! Rick
"It's not the boat "you built" until you've sworn at it, bled on it, sweated over it, cried beside it and then threatened to haul the POS outside and burn it!"
24-02-2007, 20:32
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I have a Perkins 4 - 236. Oil filter is under the exhaust hose and a real pain to get to. Is there a fitting that replaces the one on the block or what? I'm outa my league hear. Any pics anyone has?
24-02-2007, 20:36
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Dave, There is a remote unit for your Perkins, can't remember who makes them, but you can mount the unit anywhere in the engine compartment. Google remote oil filter. There is a small company in New England the makes pretty good units.
24-02-2007, 21:26
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Dave, I know folks who have used remote kits in cars. Be extremely careful about physical quality and connections, my friend had the remote hose fitting come loose and blew oil all over the engine compartment. Perhaps not coincidentally, he lost the entire engine six months later. (We think it was damage from the oil loss that triggered the failure.)
Apparently this is not uncommon, sorry no names or brands to advise. It is just that every extra part, fitting, inch of hose, etc is violating the KISS principle and what engine could resist a chance at that.<G>
I find that placing a double plastic shopping bag over the filter before removing it, and some paper towels under it, serves to contain pretty much all the mess without getting in the way. Then put the paper in the same bag, tie the handles, throw it all away, no fuss.
24-02-2007, 22:41
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I put duel remote filters on my single engine trawler and one of the housings developed a crack after a few hundred hours , I took it off and left the other one on, after now about 2500 hours the second one has a small crack, these housing are made of Aluminum,Im Happy I did it-for a few reasons, 1 its a lot easer/cleaner to change ,2 it holds more oil (1 quart more)& 3 its spin on are cheaper, but you have to keep an eye on them.
Ive heard so much bad about the remotes on the Yanmars (leaking)im not going to do it unles they come up with a real good systum, My Yanmar filters are the same size as my lawn mower way too small IMO
25-02-2007, 00:04
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I was on a boat today and saw that it had remote mounted oil pressure / water temp gauge and alarm senders. First time I had ever seen that. Anybody know why they would do that? Do "tee-d" fittings sometimes fail at the block?
25-02-2007, 01:24
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Oil pressure will be the same anywhere ont eh pressure line, so I don't see an issue. I am not sure I would have done it, but...
As for temp though, I see no point. It would give you a false reading. It needs to be in the correct engine position, which is usually somewhere close to the Thermostat. Unless the temperature was monitoring some other cooling system area.
You need to ensure you are using the correct threads for Yanmar and other Japanese diesel engines. I think it maybe a "JRC"(no not the electronics) fitting. It is similar but different to others and will leak if you try something else.
I have a twin remote oil unit and it has worked flawlessly, although the engine has only 600hrs on it. I like the idea of a twin filter, giving you twice the cleaning capacity.
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25-02-2007, 06:15
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Is That a Yanmar you have twins on? And where did you get them ?
25-02-2007, 09:49
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"Do "tee-d" fittings sometimes fail at the block?" If you mean a brass "T" screwed into the block instead of the usual single sensor or stub? I've been repeatedly told yes, a "T" should never be screwed into the block. Something about the "T" bring more likely to fail because of the way it is fabricated, combined with the larger lever arm it presents as it is shaken by engine vibrations. In any case, very emphatic suggestions never to do that.
I don't vouch for that being right or wrong, it's just what the chorus keeps chanting.
There are also some dual sensors, i.e. one screw-in sensor with four contacts on it, to provide two temperature/pressure indicating lines going out. Don't know who makes them, offhand.
25-02-2007, 10:12
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I haven't see the "T" fail. Usualy the "T" is conected to the block via a small nipple. This is what fails.
In an ideal instalation, I'd put a MIP to flare fitting in the block. Then run a hose to a remote multi port block and mount the sensors in the block.
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