I am in the final stages of rebuilding my complete fridge a and
freezer. I ripped out the original units leaving a massive hole of bare
hull in the
galley and then built entirely new boxes using Glacier Bay VIP
panels, foam board and
plywood. I lived the inside of the boxes in 1/4"
marine plywood which was
epoxy coated twice all around before
installation and then the insides of the two boxes were given 4 thick coats of
Now they need to be painted and this is where I went wrong. I spoke to the Sherwin Williams people and they told me I had to use special
paint or the
paint would give off poisonous gasses as the units cooled and it would be unsafe for
food. The
sold me a gallon of "Freezer Coat" for $75 and assured me this was the ticket.
Well, I took their
advice and painted it on without reading the spec sheet on it. BIG mistake. This paint will not cure at any temp over 50 degrees F. The Sherwin Williams guys misunderstood my needs and assumed I was talking about a fridge and
freezer ALREADY in
service, not new units at regular room temp.
My perfect new boxes thus were coated in a thick, gooey mess of paint that would not cure. So a full days
work later with a heat gun, scraper, MEK and lots of rags and I got the boxes back to the bare epoxy. I gave them yet another coat of epoxy to make up for any that was scraped or sanded away and now its time to recoat.
So.... after the long story.... what kind of paint should I use? I am looking for a simple gloss white finish. Is a regular gloss white enamel ok?