Kiwi grip is nothing more than thickened
paint. I believe they use cabosil.
So that’s what I did. If you have some cabosil around, you can just thicken your
paint as you did your
epoxy and roll it on. It comes out the exact same as kiwi grip. You just have to practice a little bit to get the texture the way you want it.
My entire deck is done this way. Now, however, I don’t know if they are on the market over there at this time, but there are some porch and patio outdoor paints they are making now for around the pool area. They have a nonskid built right into the paint already. Depending how high the peaks are in your kiwi grip, This stuff might
work for you as well. We have been using it on my
boat as a touchup for the deck where we have been wrecking it from other projects. It’s remarkably identical to the texture I created with the cabosil. It was recommended by none other than our very own Manateeman.