packing gland is a flanged unit and was spozed to be packed before installat uion--was nt. was leaking like crazy. whil eunderway, my crew stuffed it with flax packing material. we dealt qith it in
water and without a diver, not that much comes in. nw i need to add packing as the flax is as tight as is spozed to be and still needs more packiing material-- will be done in
water, as very little comes in while doing this ask. i had to
pump out about 3 gallons when the packing was added-- which is less than when i was sitting on my
mooring wondering wtf to do... just go for it-- do it from inside and make sure your pumps are on-- you will surprise yourself.
bw--when shaft turns, makes leaking more-- make sure the packing is done so there is only one drop per 60 seconds when you are finished. if you use teflon or gore tex packing, there will be no drip at all.