i find out the POR 15 product on a sailing mag here in OZ..
it is expensive ( near double the
price of other
paint here ) , but being a ( alas)perfectionist , i gave it a go...
and i offer to help my friend to Totaly redo her" horse float",
i know it is not a
boat and it does not have to float ( she keep telling me !!), but she gave me this challenge and i apply my regurous ,perfectionist (dictotorship, she say ) mind...
I used the all system iscribe on brochure and
internet site
marine clean,
metal ready,
tie-coat primer,
and their recomended top coats : hardnose/whitecote....
2 000 dollars later..
lost the friendship, and lots of
money and times..
i am not convinced it was better than any other 2 packs product or
anyone used that product?
it come from the States ,
thank for your help
and by the way , a boatie mate came on spray the 'bloody float"
i build a large undercover place near my garage with a huge tarpoline, the contitions where ideal , beautifull automne day , no
wind , 25 degres..
we could not have choose a better day !!
BUT >>>> and he had the genious idea to lightly sand the previous coats that he had spray the day before AND to dust clean the ALL thing thoroughly with a rag WELL WET with "por-15 thiner , between overnight coats....
then start spraying again, and again, and again , 3 nice coats..and run out of a new $ 400 pot of white nose
the only time i was not there looking at him and rememding him to read the instructions that i had printed and highlight speciliquely ..., i left him "in peace "..
i went out and have a look ......well the all thing "TURN PEAR SHAPED "......
THE all Float and look like Total "crazed relief paint look"
the surface and shrink and wrinkle in few minutes like an old fifty miles of bad road ,
Now we have to sand back ALL the job !!!!!!!!!!!
after few night thinking over the "F---- up "
i suspect that the thinner penetratred the "uncured coats"...
any one with similar experienced..
i though a " new" lesson again ......
sorry i just realised i posted this to the wrong threads, should habe been the next one ....
well , his the wbmaster could deplace it ???