I cut a section of the C-Flex away to pull a section of planking and get to the bad spot for further study. The sheer plank was fitted to the next lower plank with some interesting joinery. It fit so tight that I thought I was pulling a
single 5" wide sheer plank, not the sheer and the next one down.
If you look close, you can see the plank join.
Here's the other edge.
Here is a crack on the edge of the C-Flex that sat under the rub rail, seal with 5200. I'm gonna fair this in with
epoxy before I put the rub rail back on.
Here I was fitting in the couple of
deck beams I got out of my first piece of Black Locust while turning the rest of the board to sawdust and scrap.
Here is the aft
hull beneath the mizzen
deck as we clean it up in preparation to replace the ribs.
While it's going more slowly than I care due to funds shortages, it is going.