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Old 12-11-2009, 17:50   #1
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'Oh Joy' Restoration - 11/12/09

I cut a section of the C-Flex away to pull a section of planking and get to the bad spot for further study. The sheer plank was fitted to the next lower plank with some interesting joinery. It fit so tight that I thought I was pulling a single 5" wide sheer plank, not the sheer and the next one down.

If you look close, you can see the plank join.

Here's the other edge.

Here is a crack on the edge of the C-Flex that sat under the rub rail, seal with 5200. I'm gonna fair this in with epoxy before I put the rub rail back on.

Here I was fitting in the couple of deck beams I got out of my first piece of Black Locust while turning the rest of the board to sawdust and scrap.

Here is the aft hull beneath the mizzen deck as we clean it up in preparation to replace the ribs.

While it's going more slowly than I care due to funds shortages, it is going.
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Old 12-11-2009, 18:24   #2
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Nice fit on those deck beams. Is that beam shelf douglas fir?
Horn timber looks in good shape.
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Old 12-11-2009, 18:33   #3
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I'm not sure, it's a different, harder wood than the old deck beams were and in better shape. I'm replacing all of the shelves with Locust as well due to a bit of iron sickness in each one. It actually looks to be Luan but that picture doesn't show the grain well. The major timbers all seem to be in good condition.
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Old 12-11-2009, 19:00   #4
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Looks like they got a very , very nice saturation on that c-flex...she could rot all away and still be a sound boat.

Charlie...are you going to sand or strip down all the timber that your not going to replace or just leave as is?

Reason I ask is if you haven't seen it yet their is a hand electric planer in the shop you can borrow and use to clean up some of those timbers in-place. It is 12" long so will be limited to longer stretches and wont get into corners..but it is also great for fairing the new to the old at your surface joints or for taking a high spot or edge off in place as well...just watch for screws and bolts.. Also feel free to use any of the sanders...grinders ect...course you knew that..
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Old 12-11-2009, 19:07   #5
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That's what the guy that did the C-Flex job said. Don't worry about what's inside and she'll be just fine. I can't do that though... I'm gonna sand, CPES and paint everything on the inside of the hull, EVERYTHING. I appreciate the offer but wanna do one tool at a time so they ALL end up back where they belong. I need to get a small bandsaw to the shop for final fitment. Trying to cut this stuff 40 miles away and get it to fit properly is tough. I can use my Sonicrafter but it's much tougher to get the finer joinery down. Kinda like doing brain surgery with a crosscut saw.
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Old 12-11-2009, 19:22   #6
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Ah heck fire my friend...don't worry about that..take what you need when you need it.....I don't think we can move the band saw though that thing weighs a ton..
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Old 12-11-2009, 19:58   #7
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I know, not the big one. I need a little one like your scroll saw for this work. I can do the main cuts and shaping at the shop to get dimensions. It's the little joinery cuts for fitment that need to be done onsite.
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Old 12-11-2009, 21:45   #8
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Originally Posted by CharlieCobra View Post
I know, not the big one. I need a little one like your scroll saw for this work. I can do the main cuts and shaping at the shop to get dimensions. It's the little joinery cuts for fitment that need to be done onsite.

THat little one would drive you nuts and you would never speak to me again...or I would give it to you...its a piece of junk...The blade will pop off the wheels with the slightest pull back of material....I only use it to cut tiny little stuff.

Call me ...well see about getting you something usable.
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