OK, I think you will get a lot of use from Colin Brookes's book on FC constrction. If you go to
The World Of Ferro-cement Boats you will find some useful info. Plus you can order his book. It is not exspensive and will answer a lot of questions for you. Although it may bring up some sticker ones as well.
To your question, you will need to form the
steel rods to where you want them and you will need chicken mesh for the reinforcing to hold the plaster.
The plaster needs to set, then kept damp. A good way to do this is place damp sacking over the plaster and wet with a hose every now and then, or the best way is to use a soak hose and finly spray a mist of
water over the plaster. That is if you have a free unrestricted supply of
Ummm, the sterntube and
bed worries me though. That should have been made before the
boat was plastered and plastered with everything else. I hope you don't mean you have to cut the stern tube hole??? Could you clarify please?? Some photo's would be great.