Dear all
We are replacing the polycarbonate in our hatches.
Re the
dual hinge hatches (I have two on board) - one has perspex measuring 530 mm square, the other is 510 mm * 380 mm. They are new from 1997 when the
boat was built.
I have endeavoured to remove the 3/16 th rod that forms the connection / pivot point for the hinge and I think I have made a big mistake.

I have used a punch to push the rod towards the centre of each
hatch. After there was no further movement, I have realised there was an opening for each rod under the
hatch lid (opening approx half inch diameter), where I somehow should have got a lever to 'force' the rod outwards (ie) away from the centre..... and then somehow pulled the rod out. The
current situation is that the rod is clearly visible and hard against (or into) the inner side of the aluminium cavity (that is the approx half inch opening).
So, I now have two hatches that are held in place with each hinge working at about 50% effectiveness.
I am sure someone else out there has done a similar boo boo, and is smarter than me to
work this out.
Single hinge hatches:
On a related matter, we have 3 of the small (270 mm square perspex) hatches. Same age as the above - I have easily removed two of them, but the hinge pin in the third hatch has remained steadfast. I have used lots of lubricant over about 5 days (RP7, its a bit like WD40), but it remains connected.
Again, I would really welcome your suggestions.
Many thanks in anticipation of your assistance.
Kind Regards