Hello, James;
Nothing really to show yet. As these things often go (particularly in Trinidad), I've had some, eh, "delays".
Lost an entire year dorking around with
keel bolts...which held up the
engine re-install...which held up the
engine room walls...which held up the
galley and nav finish carpentry...which held up the
electrical... You get the picture. So, as of December the
keel was back on, and in January we were about to go great
guns...but hold on, suddenly now I'm getting divorced, and don't dare spend a dime until I'm out of these weeds. Sigh, I wonder what the data is correlating sailboat
restoration and divorce...
Anyhoo, design-wise I really couldn't do anything more creative than what was there before, i.e., a linear
galley. Not without devoting a third to a half of the
saloon to it, which I thought long and hard about, but decided I really loved the spacious feel to the
current saloon. When we get back to
work (and we will) I'll post new shots.