Hi this is my first post and was hoping someone here could help out.
I'm actually asking for my Dad, he sails a 1974 Hunter 30 (cherubini..spelling?) its a nice boat well maintained! I sail a 1985 O'day 35, anyway back to the question, my Dad's Force 10 cozy cabinheater (kerosene version) needs a new burner and neither one of us can seem to locate any parts! Does anyone have any ideas????
Yes that was the first place we tried an they said that the deisel /kerosene model has been discontinued and they no longer carry parts for them. I was hoping to find a dealer that may still have some old stock to help rebuild my Dad's stove.
Where are you located. The force 10 Cabinheater was very popular in the PNW. I had one and a stove both ran on kerosene some years back. Steveston Marine in Steveston on the Fraser River south of Vancouver used to carry a fair stock of parts for these units. Ocean Marine also carried parts. Don't know if that will help.
We live in Northeastern US, Buzzards Bay Massachusetts to be more specific. I'll try calling these two places Monday, wish me luck and thanks for the tip.