Thanks Sailmonkey! and thanks for remembering about the picture - I will be excited to see it.
No insult taken. I bought the boat floating and sailing, and not pretty. It continues to float, the
bilge stays dry, the
barnacles on the bottom are content, so I am confident it is structurally sound if worn.
I am trying not to get too far into projects that don't mean more sailing. I.E.
jib downhaul was a necessity after I got in a real pickle trying to get the
jib down in strong winds and no
lifelines. Running all the halyards aft is not righ tnow.
Past weekend I brought a
battery over to see how the
electrical system has held up. Hooked it up to the fuze panel, nothing happened - I didn't have a voltmeter with me so I couldn't diagnose much, but the positive bolt/terminal ring/nut on the fuze panel were extremely corroded - actually it looked like a hornet had built a nest on top of them, while the negative was clean. So, I removed the terminal ring which meant breaking it off. the bolt remains intact, so I crimped a new ring on, and am going to hook it back up tomorrow.
All of the bulkhead/hull is pretty open underneath so I figure if that doesnt
work I will just start running new wires from a new fuze panel rather than try to fix what's there.
The worst part is the switches are built into the berth/bench - the wires go from the breaker panel on the outside rear of the bench, through a drilled hole, into the bench sort of underneath the
head. So, there is no way to get at them directly because of the
head, and the nuts that hold the operational part of the screw to the concealed
electrical box are these tiny shallow nuts. Again i think i am better off abandoning and using new $5 switches.