EPDM Lewmar port seals (replacement) for leaking seals
Can someone recommend to me a place to buy seal material that will replace my port seals in my 1996 Hunter sailboat. I can buy the seals already made or buy the material. I just as soon buy the EPDM gasket material and cut my own. I am having trouble locating this material.
Sailing is 80% boredom and 20% sheer terror so FIRSTMATE then go sailing. Life is a journey, not a destination.
Can someone recommend to me a place to buy seal material that will replace my port seals in my 1996 Hunter sailboat. I can buy the seals already made or buy the material. I just as soon buy the EPDM gasket material and cut my own. I am having trouble locating this material.
I just bought a square yard of 1/8" EPDM (sh.60) from:
..very quick and easy, paid over the phone and stuff delivered in a few days!
"By day the hot sun fermented us; and we were dizzied by the beating wind. At night we were stained by dew, and shamed into pettiness by the innumerable silences of stars."