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Old 10-06-2015, 09:09   #16
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Re: Dutchman flaking system on larger boats

This may sound stupid and probably is, but can you lower the boom 6 inches?
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Old 10-06-2015, 10:09   #17
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Re: Dutchman flaking system on larger boats

On some truly big yachts, they go to Park Avenue booms to make flaking of the main easier. Park Avenue booms being significantly wider than traditional ones. Enough sometimes, so that in calm weather, or at the dock, a crewman can get up on top of them in order to work.

The thing is, if you want the extra boom width, without getting a new boom, such is possible. You'd need to work with a good rigger, welder, & possibly a spar maker. But they weld what are in essence, "grab bars", along both sides of the full length of the boom. Which gives you a wider surface to flake the sail on, plus a wider attachment point for lazy jacks.
- Ah, & thinking on this, after a cup of coffee, the bars need not necessarily be welded onto the boom. They could be bolted on, or possibly (?) riveted. Both attachment systems would depend on the load which they would see.

I'm short on time at the moment, otherwise I'd dig up some pics of what I'm referring to, but hopefully you'll get the point.

BTW, what type of attachment system between the sail & the mast are you using? As some setups make it FAR easier to rotate the sail, & put in a flake than do others. Plus, the other factor is the distance between sail cars. If they're farther apart, especially with a stiff sail, it's easier to flake things. But if they're close together...

So for a first step, I'd look into options on how the sail's connected to the mast, so as to make throwing in flakes easier. Which likely would be one of the less expensive options to consider with this problem, knock on wood.
Some of them even have built in universal joints, albeit that's kind of overkill, complexity & cost wise, IMHO.

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Old 10-06-2015, 10:34   #18
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Re: Dutchman flaking system on larger boats

My experience with the Dutchman system on a 45 ft boat has been good. I did not have any chafe issues on the main I put 50,000 miles on or its replacement with 35,000 miles. On the replacement main, I had the sailmaker use regular grommets instead of the plastic Dutchman ones, and eliminated the grommets as a maintenance issue.

If you want to retain some Hanse sail covering system, it may not work with the Dutchmant lines.
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