I was pretty happy after having removed the 20yr old bright blue "carpet" style headlining that pretty much covers most of the inside of
Insatiable, but the exercise did uncover a multitude of imperfections. There are various holes that have been cut for some unknown reason, long since forgotten. There are joins in
panels, some of which are pretty uneven. All these had been covered by the lining, but I'll be damned if I am going to re-line.
So, anyway, as a first stage, I and a buddy of mine (experienced
builder / shipbuilder) spent a fun filled day, making timber
panels to
plug holes, bogging and fibre-glassing. We used vinylester resin and chopped strand mat. It looks pretty messy right now, but with some
sanding back and then judicious use of fairing compounds I think its gonna come up pretty nicely.