cleaning caulk from gelcoat (turpentine, naptha or acetone?)
I'm rebedding some hatches and was wondering after I scrape off as much of the old caulk as I can from the opening what I should use to give it a final rub down before setting the new caulk and to clean any drips of the new caulk (using life caulk). I've got already turpentine, naptha, and acetone.
George is right. Sometimes, the best way is to simply use a very high grit sandpaper, which isn't all that different than using softscrub or a fiberglass cleaner designed to cut the chalk.
I sanded all of ours with 220 grit when rebedding. I use the sandpaper on any of the stuff that wouldn't come off using other methods (such as Collinite's FiberglassBoat Cleaner).
is a dry solvent. It will NOT leave a residue behind allowing the new sealer to adhere. MEK works better on hot or windy days........................_/)