Location: Probably in an anchorage or a boatyard..
Boat: Ebbtide 33' steel cutter
Posts: 5,030
Chainplates Bleeding Rust
My chainplates are steel flat bar welded directly to the (steel, obviously) deck. I´ve never found a way of stopping them bleeding rust. The pin of the toggle seems to wear away the paint in the hole of the chainplate. Tried duralac but didn´t work. Any ideas? Anyone have a method which works?
Location: Probably in an anchorage or a boatyard..
Boat: Ebbtide 33' steel cutter
Posts: 5,030
Can´t really replace them, would mean taking huge amounts of the interior apart to remove the foam under where the welding would take place or risk setting the boat on fire. I´ve heard of designers unwilling to have stainless welded to mild steel for structural reasons, Even if untrue I would still worry.
What about a stainless insert in the hole of the chainplate? You can buy inserts which thread in. You would still need to seal between the insert and the plate (where the thread is) so they don't bleed from there, but once they're in there and sealed you're not going to wear away the mild steel any more.
I have only owned one steel boat and had exactly the same problem, never found a solution except to replace them with stainless. AFAIK, the stainless lugs that I had welded onto the deck are still going strong 30 years later.
Hope someone here can provide you with an alternate solution.
All men dream: but not equally. Those who dream by night in the dusty recesses of their minds wake in the day to find it was vanity: but the dreamers of the day are dangereous men, for they may act their dreams with open eyes, to make it possible. T.E. Lawrence