Another comment. You mention the blisters are small but more important than diameter is
depth and how far they spread under the gel coat.
Have you popped any? How deep does it go? Just under the gel coat or into the glass? Are they filled with brown, smelly liquid or clear slightly sweetish liquid?
Agree completely that the boat would have to be a really good deal. Get at least 2-3 estimates on the total cost of the repair, including hauling and
storage while it is sitting for several months to dry, add 50-100% to that estimate and subtract that what a similar boat would sell for with a good bottom.
I just did a 42'
monohull and just the peel and seal was $6000 and I think I got a very good deal. Figure double that for a cat plus a few boat bucks more for
storage, etc and you could be looking at $20,000, in
New England probably a lot more.
If you want to move the boat to N
Florida I highly recommend the guy that did mine and would be a lot cheaper than New