Hi, Recently I damaged my
gelcoat on the topsides by getting pinned by
wind and tide against a marina attenuator. Wouldn't have been so bad if I had realized one of the
mooring cleats I came alongside was proud of the wooden buffer strip by about 10mm. Left a couple of deep gouges in my
gelcoat. Why any idiot would leave the base of the cleat proud of the edge I don't know, seems a no-brainer to me. Mind you coming alongside in those conditions I have to admit was also a no-brainer
Anyway have reasonable resources for how to make
repair but just wondering if anyone would know what BavariaYachtbeau use in laying up the gelcoat? I have a
Bavaria 38, white topsides. Would make colour selection a lot easier if I could just use the manufacturers product, as I understand the matching of colour is the real problem. It's a 2004
boat and seems not to have suffered much by way of colour degradation/fading. I'm in NZ by the way so sourcing material from
Europe not really an option. Any ideas? Thanks.