Originally Posted by carlo de leo
Hello again!
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Inicial Problem: tiller arm was sliding on rudder post
Decision taken: rebuild the actual one piece tiller arm into a two-pieces part. Lock pin through one wall of the rudder post
Still in doubt: rigger says it's utmost importance anodize the tiller arm (aluminum). I don't see the need.
Picture attached is the two-pieces part recently rebuild, not the old one.
Looks very nice!
We made one for our last
boat out of 6061
aluminum without anodizing. While it did always stay dry (hopefully yours does too), it had zero
corrosion after 15k miles. We clamped like you did, but I also drilled the shaft on one side for a 5/16" set screw through the clamp bracket. Make sure to coat the shaft and tiller arm with a lanolin or Tef-gel.