Couple of tips:
Operate resin & hardener Pumps slowly to a void sucking air into the pumps.
Each molecule of resin has to link to a molecule of hardener so stir while counting slowly to 100. stirring too fast will trap air bubbles in the mix.
Spreading resin with a sqeegee will tend to annoyingly displace the cloth I
Paint the surface with the resin, lay on the cloth & using a brush with a stippling (poking or a light jabbing) motion to iduce resin to soak in turning cloth clear. Apply enough resin to fill cloth by brushing LIGHTLY & stippling.
Dust hands with talcum powder will ease plastic gloves over hands (two layers of gloves are far more durable than one). Dust wrists with talc to prevent ground glass fibers from getting into skin.
White vinegar is the ONLY solvent for removing resin from the skin.
Tyvek suits/clothing can be dusted in a clothes dryer on air fluff (no heat) for an hour & with a tennis ball.
60 grit sandpaper or disc is quick so use a light touch. Once
gelcoat is removed enough to see weave of glass mat grind only a little more so that adhesion area is mostly mat fibers.
I dont trust Thickened resin to penetrate mat well enough so I soak fibers with unthickened resin/hardnr mix & wait untill partially cured yet still tacky. The application of thickened resin can be applied within 24 to 36 hours without
washing off the amine. The two layers will bond chemically.
Hang up a sheet of plastic with tape to prevent airborne ground glass from migrating to the rest of the boat.