Hi, I have one of these as well. As far as I can tell there is almost no information out there. While the website says that this works the same as the standard Aries, a quick look shows it to be a completely redesigned machine.
I wouldn't believe anything on the
Denmark site, he seems to be using the No. 4 as an example in his negative advertising against all other competitors. He claims that nick was never able to make any improvements over the Aries standard and that it is the best design available.
But nick was clearly trying to make improvements on the design with the No. 4. While the mounting is a little minimal, the gear is extremely robust, has infinite course adjustment with a worm gear (unlike the limited "clicks" of the standard gear), and a very simple flip up mechanism. The Aries website says manufacturing was stopped due to production difficulties, it seems like it could have been just too expensive to make. I have also heard that there was massive, specific machinery to build the standard that no one wanted to replace. Maybe the denmark site is correct, but if so Windpilot would suffer from the same problem.
Anyways in the few thousand miles I have sailed on it it has proved effective, even in light winds.