Hello Everyone,
I hope you are all well. You guys simply rock out. Hundreds of threads and dozens of
books later: a very long story and an endless obsession cut short: I'm working my arse off and saving
money for a aluminium
monohull boat. Will be
buying stock/custom plans either from
Holland (van de stadt, djikstra) or from
Australia (radford) within the next year. Aluminium, 45-57ft
cutter rig, simplicity and ease of
maintenance - design will be following the upside-down approach - if the
boat is upside down, then...
Plan is: build the best possible
hull + superstructure and fit it out with bare necessities inside. Then sail and see what is not needed.
QUESTION: what boatyard in your opinion is the best in regards to specialist aluminium
hull construction. Particularly interested to build either in NZ or AUS. If not then
Holland or
Canada. Thank you for your input and have a good day.

Cheers, S