Converting Euro’ 240V 50Hz AC ~to~ N/A 120V 60 Hz AC:
The conversion from a European 50Hz 240VAC system to a North American 60Hz 120 (or 120/240) VAC system may be fairly simple, or a little more complicated, depending upon the
equipment connected to it.
We will need a lot more information on you
current boat wiring and equippage to provide any useful specific
advice on your conversion - but here’s a few generalities to get you started:
Motors are designed to operate within a certain frequency range - and while some may be more or less universal, most will be rated either 50 Hz or 60 Hz. Motors designed to operate on 50 Hz will run faster on 60 Hz.
Electronics may or may not be input frequency sensitive (check your manual). Euro’ Televisions & Microwave Ovens will NOT
work in N/A.
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Convenience Receptacles and Shore
Power Inlets are configured differently, and all will have to be replaced. Obviously, portable devices (plug-in) will have to be replaced.
240 V European: Two “Slanted” (or horizontal) blades over Vertical ground.
“Hot” Brown
“Neutral” Blue
“Safety Ground” Green /w Yellow Stripe
120 V North American: Two “Parallel” Vertical blades over “U” ground.
Black “Hot” has 120 Volts to Neutral & Ground
White “Neutral”
Green “Safety Ground”
120/240 V North American:
Black “Hot” has 240 to “Red” Hot”, and 120 V to Neutral & Ground
Red “Hot” has 240 to “Black” Hot”, and 120 V to Neutral & Ground
White “Neutral”
Green “Safety Ground”
Power (Watts) = Volts x Amps
Amps = Watts ÷ Volts
To achieve the same power output (Watts), a 120V N/A device will draw TWICE the Amperage as it’s 240V Euro’ equivalent*.
ie: a 100Watt device will draw 0.416 Amps @ 240 Volt; but 0.833 Amps @ 120 Volt.
Fuses, Circuit Breakers, and
Wiring are rated in Ampere capacities - hence extreme caution is advised when converting from a 220V supply to 120V.
Converters and Transformers only change the Voltage, and not the Frequency.
Converters are typically used to decrease the AC voltage from 220V to the 110V level needed by the appliance.
Transformers are used to increase or decrease the voltage, and might be used for electronic devices such as radios, televisions,
computers and other devices having
electronics circuitry.