Absolutely no reason to use awlgrip or any of the other big name
marine paints,they are no better or worse than the 3 part car paints from the even bigger name manufacturers such as Du pont and PPG. In our shop we mostly use Awlcraft because the customer has been sucked in by
marketing and its a good paint and as others have said,its repairable, however i dont use it on my own
boats because of the unimagainative pallette of colors available, i am so tired of doing yet another white or flag blue
hull when there is an almost unlimited selection in car paints. The car paint manufacturers have had
Acrylic urethanes (which is what Awlcraft 2000 is) for a lot longer because they have always needed repairabiliy,The notion that somehow "marine" makes it special is absurd, car paints have a much harder life,where i live they dump sand and
salt on the roads in the
winter and then mixed with the snow and then we drive in that crap at 75mph. We painted my sons
boat last summer in a VW red using Nason fullthane paint, the boat had last been painted 20years ago when i built it and we used Du pont Centari which is not even a 2 part but it held up every bit as well as Awlgrip,it was dull but we had never polished it in the 20years but there was no peeling or blistering so we had minimal prep prior to the Nason.We painted my 36ft cat in 06 with awlcraft cream decks and PPG
Concept for the topsides in Audi TT papaya orange.Thats another thing i like about car paints is you dont need to pick your color from a little color chip,you get the chance to see how it looks on a large object and then you walk in to the autobody supply store and they mix it for you right there in any town anywhere from a formular they already have, its not necessarily cheaper than the likes of awlgrip (which is why i used awlcraft on my decks) but personally i like more color choices and i can get those with car paints with no down side.When we paint my Lindenberg 26 it will be in a very cool color red that VW offered on the New Beetle.A customer of ours has a beetle convertible in that color so i will check the code when i next see him. My
kayak is VW turbonium green and my sons is a metalic silver.