I'm picking up a Rascal tomorrow (Sat.) morning. I didn't know much about them (and still don't). I had a Butterfly when my
kids were little, so staying dry while sailing, now that I'm in my 50's, sounds good.
The boat is a beater (she ain't pretty), but appears
seaworthy. Baby is heading off to college and wife and I think this should provide a couple's passtime for us.
So, any info. you've found on these
boats would be appreciated. The Butterfly was easy to right after a
capsize and was self bailing. Any idea about the Rascal? What kind of flotation it has or any other concerns about sailing an older boat of which I should be concerned? Don't know the first thing about refinishing fiberglass. Any hints, tips, websites would be appreciated.
PS--I thought I read somewhere that the center boards were steel at least from one manufacturer.