I've got a SD31 sail drive which won't go into
gear. This started half an hour after I'd given it an
oil change, putting in the correct amount of manufacturer recommended 80/90w and not overfilling it.
I've taken the top
gearbox assembly apart and everything seems fine. I cleaned the dog
clutch anyway and reassembled it. Before putting the top cover back on, I held down the top of the
gear shaft and the
clutch was popping up and down nicely in response to the gear lever but when everything was reassembled the problem remains
When I had the clutch disassembled, I put it back onto the sleeve at the top of the leg drive and turned it by hand. It did turn the prop albeit with a
funny clicking
noise. When I reassembled everything the gear shift lever sounded like it was still working fine with the forward and reverse gears both clicking properly as the clutch pops up or down. When the lever is engaged the drive makes a rattling
noise as if teeth are not engaging and the prop won't turn.
It sounds as if something has gone wrong in the lower leg but I thought I'd seek
advice from the forum before I have to slip the
Any thoughts?