Hello everyone,
I'm going cross eyed trying to figure this out. I have a
Yanmar 3QM30
engine, converted to FWC with Sen-Dure Hx. There was also a factory FWC version, 3QM30Y -- I do not have this
I need to replace the temp sender.
I've attached the pages from the
parts catalog so everyone can play along. On there my engine is listed as "3QM30", and the FWC version is "3QM".
I think the engine is supposed to run 10 degrees hotter due to the FWC conversion (190 instead of 180, if memory serves).
So here's the question:
Should be using the "3QM" temp sender from the FWC version? (Yanmar P/N: 144626-91590)
If so, great! It's available, I can order the OEM part, and then crack a cold one.
If not, the "3QM30" temp sender is graveyard of discontinued part numbers, and a vast rabbit hole of trying to figure out what part to replace with, color codes vs. temp ratings, etc. (hence the cross eyed part). All this will lead to the obvious follow up question:
which one of these do I buy? (I *might* have already bought the wrong one once and found my temp gauge needle doesn't move until the engine is up to temp, then instantly goes pegged to full...

Thanks in advance for the help!