Originally Posted by IndyBlue
I just purchased a used Hunter 31 that has a 2GM20F engine. The engine had several fuel leaks (lift pump, injector pump seal) and also smoked very bad at 1/4 throttle and above.
After replacing the seals and lift pump, bleed system and added fresh fuel. Started engine after a couple of seconds engine RPM's go to WOT. Pulled inspection plate to insure that the rack on pump is not stuck. Moves good and seems to be operating normally.
Sent injectors and pump out to be rebuilt and reinstalled. Bleed system and same issue is still going on. Remove inspection plate and insure rack is moving freely with engine stop lever.
After further inspection found only one of the cylinders is the problem (remove fuel line to one cyl then the other). #1 cylinder idles normal #2 wide open.
Don't know where to go next. any help would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks for your help
Welcome aboard CF, IndyB.
Let me see if I understandably this correctly.
The engine had some fuel leaks but otherwise ran correctly.
You replaced the lift pump.
You replaced some seals on the injector pump (IP).
Now the engine goes into WOT
rpm after start up.
Conclusion - you did something wrong when you replaced the IP seals.
Now the IP has only got a couple of seals.
The O ring in the
delivery valves on the top while the injector pipes are fitted at the high pressure side of the IP.
The banjo crush washers on the low pressure fuel inlet line.
Neither of these could cause you problem.
So did you in any way change or remove anything else with the IP (before you removed it for a rebuild).
It sounds like something has gone astray with the no load max rev limiter, the fuel injection limiter, the governor arm / rack connection or the
regulator / governor arm connection. But none of these should have been touched (??).