Originally Posted by Snowpetrel
RC, would you be able to run us through exactly what the Mechanic tested and how the engine died in the first place?
Sounds like we might become missing something simple. Eg has the fuel shutoff solenoid failed with the rack closed? Could there be a blockage in part of the line. Are the injectors getting any fuel and have they been properly bleed? Does the engine need glow plugs and are they working?
You have got me curious now! Not that I am much of an engineer and I dont know those engines, but if it isn't the injector pump what is it?
What happened -
At about 90 miles from home I could hear the engine struggling and then cut out. Sounded immediately like fuel starvation. I changed the filters and off I went. Immediately noticed fuel was very dark in the Rayco. The main Raycor filter was very black and clogged. Of my 200 ltr tank I did a dip stick check and I was down to about 90 ltrs.
Over the next 80 miles same thing happened. I changed the filters twice more. I decided that if I can get to 10 miles I'd change the fuel to a cleaner fuel source.
I got to about 10 miles and it cut out again. This time I got my 20 ltr
heater tank out, which is a Jerry can and disconnected the two fuel lines to the
keel tank. I changed the filters again, for the final time and set off. The engine not only went well, but picked up a Knott of speed. Sounded much better.
Once I reached the Tamar River where I arranged to pick up some extra fuel, I pulled up to the
dock, popped the
gear into reverse to halt it and it stalled. Then I was unable to get it started again.
Next day the mechanic came. He started from the tank (Jerry can) and moved forward. The Jerry can was put on a shelf above the
motor. He checked the first Raycor filter to make sure fuel was flowing, then to the primary filter and then to the lift pump. (I think that was the order). Then he cracked the injectors and there was no fuel to them. So he then checked the first injector pump 'in' and there was fuel. But when he checked the over flow, there was none. Which is why he concluded the pumps were the problem.
I'm thinking now that he might have received a little fuel out of the lift pump but not enough to go through the injector pumps.
He then got me to spray Areo start into the air filter to test the engine and it started without a problem first time. I did it again and this time whilst I was spraying the Areo start in and the
motor was going I 'think' he cracked an injector pump again. At least I think that's what he was doing. I was in the back with my feet in the air.