The both shops I worked with I asked then to do a leak down test. One barely knew what I was stalking about, which totally pissed me off as he was also aragant about this problem not being his faullt, after doing the head work for the previous owner.
I had him his ranson an liberated the boat from hos shop never to return again.
The second shop other appeare dto have a better grasp on engine
repair told me they did not have the proper adapter to do this test on my engine.
I tought you could presurize the cyl with compressed air and listen for the air leak, guess they did not have a adapter to thread into the injector hole.
They did have the right tools to quote me a new yanmar
surveyor did use ether to try to start the enginge, as he did not know the "proper" volvo start up procedure.
I watched the engine did almost start to run, no black smoke was present.
Please dont tell me this could have blown the head
I really want to blame the previous
mechanic for this problem
True fuel is getting into the oil at the rate of 1 qt per hour. I have been changin the oil every operating hour to try to preserve the engine. Four times in all 1 hour home, one hour to the 2nd repair shop, 1 hour home again, 1 hour to the
winter haul out.
As the head gasket was on of the things replaced during the last
service this is a likely problem candidate. If the ether did not cause a problem.
Both cyl are equally low with no
history of this problem. The injectors are new and the injector pumps never disturbed also pointing to the head gasket as a possible cause.
In my gas engine brain when a head gasket goes you get oil in the radiator and
water in the oil, the dreaded oiil milk shake.
I'm quickly admit working on a diesel is a bit new to me.
Before I go order
parts for head R&R please share a bit more of your thoughts on the head gasket problem.
Do you has any quick tests or ideas how I can confirm the head gasket is blown ?
Thanks again,