You guys were great! Led me exactly where I needed to go.
We finally got it running and what a comedy of errors it was!
We started the engine by by passing the secondary filter and lift pump running fuel directly to the
injector pump and bleeding the snot out of it. And you guys are right, it is a BEAST to get bled. The thing that ended up working was to leave the upper bleed port open on the IP while bleeding at the injectors.
When the engine initially died I changed both filters with filters that were left onboard by the previous owner. It turns out that I put a slightly smaller O-ring on the secondary filter which totally occluded the filter journal which wouldn't let any fuel through it even though we could bleed it at the bleed screw just fine. Fuel did get to the IP, enough to fool us when bleeding it, but only through the return line. The pressure line in was completely blocked.
There was a very small hole in the fuel line from the primary filter to the lift pump, which is what probably killed the engine in the first place.
Anyways, I am sure we changed the IP for no good reason. My old IP, which I will assume is a good one, is now floating out somewhere in the US postal
service. I hope to track it down someday as a spare to carry with me.
$2500 and 5 weeks later, we are sadly wiser, as I have learned a great deal about my engine.
But Dana and I are also very grateful to be back out and sailing today.
And once again, thank you very much for stepping up to help here.