Boat: Now we need to get her to Louisiana !! she's ours
Posts: 3,421
Re: Powder Coat Exhaust Elbow?
I brazed a crack in one for a fellow cruiser in mexico a couple of yrs ago and brazed the in side also to make sure I got the leak. talked to him on the phone last week and he said the darn thing worked great and when he took it apart the in side was still shiney where the exaust ran around the bend, and showed no signs of wear on the brass!! maybe a fix for thin exaust elbows ?? couldnt hurt !!
Elbows usually go bad from the inside - either rotting or coking up (usually both). So an outside coating would only make it look better, not last longer. A friend says he dips his Volvo cast elbows in Por-15 when new and they last longer. I simply had new ones made out of stainless when the old ones went bad. The stainless fab cost half the price of the new cast elbows from Volvo.
In the aircraft industry they sometimes do a ceramic coating on exhaust systems. I assume that it is both inside and outside, but I am not sure. It is to make the system last longer , since they are even more expensive than boatparts. Might be worth looking into?_______Grant.
Thanks for your responses! I ended up purchasing one from Volvo because they made it very complicated to replicate (lucky for them). It has a metric threaded hole on the top, two threaded pipe fittings on the sides, and some complexity inside that would likely prove difficult to replicate exactly.
On a related topic, does anyone know where I can send a rusted stove top that has lost its chrome finish? It doesn't have to be re-chromed. Would be happy to have a black powder finish, ceramic or anything that can take the heat and clean up well.