Originally Posted by MV
1. I am loosing coolant. I have watched the overflow tank for the past two weeks and without the engine running, the level continually drops. When I run the engine, the level can drop a 1/3 of the container quickly. I have checked the hoses. There is no coolant leak. Where else is it possible to loose coolant on this engine?
I feel silly answering my own question a year later, but I have finally tracked down the leak. The leak over the past year had gotten worse. I was loosing about the amount in the overflow tank (the plastic tank off to the side). That is a lot ofcoolant!! But then, I so rarely took the boat out since one thing after another would break!
On our last trip out where I posted the
Wind and Wing question, the engine made a very bad sound off and on. We got back and I finally figured the sound was from the impeller. I removed and had the impeller replaced and the pump rebuilt. But while I was back there in that god-awful restricted tiny ass spot I noticed that the entire pump looked pretty well rusted. I could see little stalactites on the bottom of the access plate to the heat exchanger. I figured the
gasket was the culprit and I removed the plate.
Took it to Captains Locker to get a new
gasket and the guy there said "here is your problem" and proceeded to stick his pen knife through the plate!!
Why Perkins would have made that plate out of
aluminum, I do not know. I suppose it did hold up these 45 years...
Anyways, my point is that the coolant was simply passing through the actual metal and raining out onto the impeller! This ability of liquid to pass through metal is amazing.
I took the plate to Nacho and he made a new plate out of
stainless steel for me.
It took a while to track down that leak, but I am telling you, it never left my mind that somewhere I was loosing coolant during the past year!