Hi fellow cruisers ... I need some assistance:
I have a 'new' Onan genset which Cummins / Onan are struggling to sort out under warranty.
The genset is an Onan 7/9 Kva model, has 440 hours and has it's 4th impeller set installed.
The impeller vanes break clean off ... last one only lasted some 50 hours.
water pump">raw
water pump is a Sherwood
pump with impeller 2 1/4 inch diameter, part number 10077K (Sherwood) part no. 0132-0498 Cummins.
The impeller tolerances seem very tight to me ... but I am told this is normal?
I have checked the following:
- Strainer is clean.
- when the
engine runs, water is in the strainer and pumping strongly.
- All hose clamps seem tight and no visible air
Raw water pump feels cool / cold when running
- Water hoses both on intake and
exhaust side of
pump feel 'relaxed' when running i.e. no buldging or stiffness which would indicate a restriction.
- Water runs well through the
exhaust outlet to sea.
- when replacing the impeller, make sure it is lubricated with soap water for initial start up.
Cummins cannot assist me and just send emails back and forth ... no action taken.
Any ideas for me?