M18 oil pressure sender replaced
I located my old oil pressure sender by chasing the wire (duh?)under the manifold and above and slightly aft of the starter selenoid. I removed the screw attaching the wire to the terminal and slipped a deep 11/16" socket over the sender. There is just barely enough room to do this...I could not visualize the sender. The threads are 1/4" pipe and my new oil pressure sender also 1/4" pipe (Cole-Hersee engine
alarm kit) was longer and fatter (1 1/16")but Eventually (after removing the
alternator for marginally better finger access) I got the sender screwed in and tightened enough to not leak oil. (remember no Teflon tape to assure proper grounding of the sender.
I used a 3/8" pipe Tee to accommodate the temp gauge sender and 3/8" cole-Hersee
water temp
alarm sender.
I now have a
water temp and oil pressure alarm with buzzer and water temp gauge. Installing a Tee on the oil pressure port seems impossible...barely enough access to screw in a
single sender. (Which could of course be a oil pressure sender to a gauge if you prefer.)