alarm has gone off twice now but I'm still not sure why.
1st time was when I just got the
boat and I had started the
engine about 3-4 different times and ran it for a short time at low
rpm before shutting it down, all because of variable winds around some islands and a tide deadline. I checked the
oil and it was low, so i added about 1L, started it up and after about 2 mins (I know i shouldn't run it for 2 mins w/ the
alarm on) the alarm turned off. Check the
oil again and it was overfilled, about 1L over.
Yesterday (3 months, 60hrs later) with the same kind of start stop senario the alarm turned on again. I had just changed the oil with Castrol GTX 15-40 about 10 hours prior, but I changed it today anyways before start up and everything is good again, no alarm.
Each time the alarm comes on when I'm re-starting and just never turns off however; after shut down and restart it still comes on. Also, each time i had been running approx 1200
Does anyone know what might be causing the alarm to trigger?
Its a 1979
Volvo MD11C, it also emits white smoke, not sure if there's any relation. Perhaps low
compression? Worn crankshaft bearings, and low rpm?
Any suggestions would be great, I'm really trying to get another year out of her.