I have a
Yanmar (Kanzaki-Hurth) KBW21
gearbox that I had rebuilt in the
Azores. Short story - the rear locknut backed out allowing all the
oil to drain into the
bilge. Not knowing if any damage was done to the
gearbox internals, I had the disks and separator plates replaced while they were replacing the
mechanic put SAE30
oil in the gearbox. The manual states to use ATF. I tried to ask the
mechanic why he put in SAE30, but the language barrier kept me from getting an answer. I do not readily ignore manufacturer's recommendations and I do not know any reason not to use ATF.
So two questions - 1) should I use ATF, and 2) if I
pump out the SAE30, there will be some leftover oil in the gearbox. What will happen if I put ATF in the gearbox with a small amount of remaining SAE30?
Thanks in advance!