I recently replaced the impeller in the Oberdorfer
water pump">raw
water pump on my Kubota D-905
generator. When following the path hunting for broken fin
parts I removed the end caps on the
heat exchanger and made sure all was clear from the through
hull to the mixing
elbow. I used Permatex grey
gasket sealant on the endcaps of the
heat exchanger and the
bronze impeller plate, checked and
refit the hoses. After the
refit impeller was found not to be pumping water I opened the pencil zinc at the top of the heat exchanger and added water, finding that all the water I added dropped down to the waterline level just at the base of the Oberdorfer
pump and when starting, no water is pumped. I've been using my
generator by closing the through
hull, filling the systen with water and opening the through hull just after starting the Kubota and all works well. If I close the through hull at the moment before shutting down I can restart with all operating, but once again, opening the through hull at the moment after starting. Is there someone in the crowd that would confirm that the
gasket sealant is a bad choice? Does anyone see evidence of the location of the air entering the system that would cause the water level to drop? Wouldn't the water level only drop beneath the impeller if the air leak was at the impeller plate? I am cruising
Maine and often without a
wifi connection so I'll pick up your thoughts in a week or so. Thanks,-