Hi all,
I lost drive in my gearbox as I was about to enter the channel into the moorings this after noon.
Luckily I was able to drop anchor while I had a look below.
Unable to find a fault so sailed to an anchorage.
There is fluid, its above the mark.
Shaft turns by hand,
Any ideas?
I guess I will have to remove the g/box and take it ashore.
Cheers Emmo
The damper plate is what physically connects the transmission to the engine. It's used to absorb shock from the shaft and or from the engine to make life as smooth as possible.
to check it you'll need to pull the trans off of the engine.
I agree with Sailmonkey. It is the Damper or perhaps the propeller jumped ship. Does the shaft move in either direction when in gear ?
It would be ver unusual for a F to fail in both directions at one time unless you hear some very wicked noise first, It would have to be a broken input shaft and that really does not happen.
Will & Muffin
Lucy the dog
"Yes, well.. perhaps some more wine" (Julia Child)
Hi all,
The g/box is now in the cockpit, thankfully the anchorage was not very bouncy.
It was the damper plate, but the shaft looks off line, maybe a bearing at best?? Now on monday I'll go ashore and see if anyone local can check it out and get my parts.
Meantime, some well earnt beers, bugger I've also got a brew waiting to be bottled, t'morrow!
Cheers Emmo
Grab the shaft and give it a shake. You should have little to no perceptible slop. If there is ypu're in for at least two bearings. Luckily the input shaft bearings are the easy ones
Can somebody help me with this:
In my catamaran I have two HBW150V-3.0
When they have been built?
The serial numbers are
10 *11478 *H ****and
10 *11479 *H
H indicates the production year, every year they use the next letter according to the manual. You would have to find out which year they started production of your model. Only thing I can tell is they were both produced in the same year. I have one "b" and one "j" (and the j appears to be newer) on my 1995 model. Mine are HBW-150V.