Boat: Samson C-Falcon 41'9" composite ketch (designed by Cece Norris)
Posts: 226
How To Mount an RPM monitor To The Prop Shaft?
Hello ~ Because the steering position is a long way aft of the prop and shaft, I have rather long control Morse cables. It is difficult to gauge when I am in neutral when going from forward to reverse, and obviously i don't have the option of glancing down at the shaft to see if it is rotating or stationary.
So how do I mount an electric or mechanical RPM - or rather 'no RPM' - sensor on the shaft, with a dial or lamp to indicate when I am truly in neutral?!
Any ideas from non-fakes (you know who you are) are welcome
Re: How To Mount an RPM monitor To The Prop Shaft?
I dont understand, if you have set the Morse control lever up right , you will know when you are the neutral "detent" position, Surely thats all you need to know,?
If you really wanted to know you could just wire an indicator lamp/microswitch to the gearbox actuator lever.
I still dont see why you have a problem. I had a boat with 25 feet of Morse cable , still no problem is determining neutral
Interested in smart boat technology, networking and all things tech
Boat: Samson C-Falcon 41'9" composite ketch (designed by Cece Norris)
Posts: 226
Re: How To Mount an RPM monitor To The Prop Shaft?
Good point! the control is new, but the gear lever does come loose when pushed in one direction (I forget which) probably because the grub screw doesn't seem to do what a good grub screw should. Not sure why - the arrangement doesn't seem the best design.
Re: How To Mount an RPM monitor To The Prop Shaft?
Originally Posted by goboatingnow
I dont understand, if you have set the Morse control lever up right , you will know when you are the neutral "detent" position, Surely thats all you need to know,?
If you really wanted to know you could just wire an indicator lamp/microswitch to the gearbox actuator lever.
I still dont see why you have a problem. I had a boat with 25 feet of Morse cable , still no problem is determining neutral
+1 No prop wash = neutral.
What gearbox? Borg Warner have a neutral switch opposite the shift lever.
Most control sets have similar in the lever package.
so many projects--so little time !!